The BFI National Lottery Short Form Animation Fund provides support for higher-budget animated short films, made by UK-based teams. The Fund supports narrative short form projects in any animated technique or genre, which are unlikely to be fully commercially financed and would therefore benefit from National Lottery support.
This Fund aims to give UK animators who have gained industry attention for their work the chance to create a project at a higher budget level. It supports short form animated work as an artform in itself, as well as a potential springboard for filmmakers to move on to longer form work. Films supported by previous rounds of the Fund have found success at film festivals, award ceremonies and through online distribution. They have allowed filmmakers to practice new approaches and animation techniques. BFI are looking for projects that will enable their teams to advance their creative practice, take risks and rise to a new level of ambition.
Eligible applicants can seek production funding of between £30,000 to £120,000. BFI have limited funds and hope to receive applications at a range of budget levels and requests. BFI don’t expect to provide many awards at the maximum level of £120,000 per project and may offer applicants a lower amount than the one initially requested.
How to apply
You need to read the funding guidelines in full, before you apply. You can apply via the link here or read the Immersive Projects Application Preview here.
To apply, you’ll need to create an account, or have an existing account on the BFI’s grant website. You’ll then need to complete and submit the online application form. You can save your application and return to it when you need to but it must be submitted on or before the closing date on Tuesday 9 July at 5pm.
The BFI can provide assistance to applicants who have access requirements and need some support in order to make an application.
If you have any questions relating to this funding or your application, email