Claire moved to Norfolk in 2010 having spent 4 years in Los Angeles heading up the US office of the UK Film Council, representing the interests of the UK film industry. Successfully restructured operations; implemented business plan promoting UK’s film infrastructure & production incentives to US studios.
Prior to that, as Head of Development & Production at Scottish Screen, Claire oversaw the production / script development of 12 Scottish feature films (including Oscar & BAFTA award winning titles).
Since moving to Norfolk as a Project Manager she established a consultancy to support local charities & businesses in the delivery of creatively driven projects. These have included a £800k+ fundraise for film education charity Cinema City Ltd to create an accessible film & exhibition space at Cinema City – the John Hurt Centre; as Business Operations Manager of the Sir John Hurt Film Trust, oversaw day-to-day management of the charity & the delivery of several film education activities & various fundraising initiatives; on behalf of UEA Consulting Ltd delivered market research for Cast Role-Play Training to inform its business development strategy to expand its training services in the EofE; produced fundraising gala for the Sir John Hurt Film Trust at Cinema City; executed a bid writing assignment to the BFI Audience Development Fund on behalf of the Norwich Film Festival & more recently project managed the ‘mothballing’ of the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich (due to Covid-19) in preparation for its re-opening in Autumn 2021.
Most recently Claire’s focus has been on the development of Norfolk Screen & its subsequent launch in November 2020, together with co-founder Craig Higgins.
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